Baseline is an excellent starting point for anyone who has not completed a program before as it includes a technical breakdown rep test to baseline strength.
This program focuses on the main compound lifts Squat, Bench and Deadlift, with some accessory work. There is an emphasis on developing autoregulatory skills however load prescriptions are written into this program to keep the intensity and to push adaptation.
This program requires a lot of commitment in terms of skill focus as well as developing capacity and early stage autonomy practice.
Training Protocol:
Starts with higher volume, decreasing reps, increasing load
Familiar with a barbell, & heavier loads
Deadlift, Squat, Bench/Overhead Press, Unilateral, Core
Pretty much everything
Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Cable Pulleys, Bands
Tempo, Linear, Autoregulatory
Training Maturity:
Body Parts:
Progression Type: