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Intermediate Programs

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GPP (General Preparatory Period) is a 6-week mixed energy system training program that favours strength and muscle endurance but is aimed at improving both strength and cardiovascular conditioning. This program is for anyone who wants to maintain strength and improve overall fitness and muscle endurance.


The benefit of this program is that it does not focus too much on specialisation in one area but progresses slowly with intensity throughout the week with light, medium and heavy days to slowly accumulate fatigue, strength and performance. 

There are various loading protocols and subtle progressions from week to week.


Training Protocol:


                                Begins with an endurance test, moderate intensity of lifting

                                Familiar with a rowing machine, barbell, & accessory work

                                Deadlift, Squat, Press, Accessory, Rowing

                                Pretty much everything

                                Barbells, Dumbbells, Cables, Rowing Machine

                                Linear, Undulating, Autoregulatory, Percentage Based


Training Maturity:


Body Parts:


Progression Type:

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