Intermediate Programs
This training program is a mixed-modality concept that involves endurance sessions combined with higher-intensity strength and power training. It is spread over 12 weeks due to the necessity to acclimatise to the different modalities. It begins in Phase 1 and ends in phase 2 with a planned deload.
There are various loading protocols and subtle progressions from week to week, with exercise switches and changes to the order at various points.
This program is an upgrade to the Hybrid models.
Training Protocol:
Begins with an endurance test, high-intensity of lifting
Familiar with a rowing machine, barbell, & accessory work
Deadlift, Squat, Press, Accessory, Rowing
Pretty much everything
Barbells, Dumbbells, Cables, Rowing Machine
Linear, Undulating, Autoregulatory, Percentage Based
Training Maturity:
Body Parts:
Progression Type: